Wednesday, March 19, 2014

St. Patricks Day

This week, the Diva has challenged us to do a tile in the St. Patrick's Day theme.  I started by doing a watercolour wash on some tiles, like Laura did and played around.  I found it somewhat difficult to use the Sakura pens on top of the watercolour and all of my pens went dry at once when almost finished.  I finished up with a sharpie.  That's ok, they've lasted a long time.  The pattern Lazy eights remind me of collecting 4 leaf clovers as a child.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Duotangle Second Time Around

I'm loving these two tangles together and want to keep working on possibilities.  Here's another version.

Monday, March 10, 2014


Our lovely Diva isn't feeling well but she still found time to post a challenge this week for which I thank her profusely!  The challenge is to complete a duotangle which consists of just two tangles, in this case Crescent Moon and Diva Dance.  I used string #39 and enjoyed how these two tangles worked together.

The snow from last week is almost gone and I was able to walk around the whole yard this morning.  The covers were removed from the cold frame and the Swiss chard is alive and well which is surprising after the cold weather we've been having.  I even found the hoe and cultivated around those plants, the first garden chore of the season!  Time to plant spinach seeds.

Monday, March 3, 2014


This week's Diva challenge is to try Erin Olson's tangle: Charlie. You can find the step-out instructions here on her blog.  I thought this was going to be difficult but decided to give it a try. It turned out to be fun and I'll try it again.  We're having a snow day here with about a foot of new snow over the last two days.  Now, we're stuck here till we can get the long driveway shoveled.  But...that's ok, snow days are fun because I can stay home and concentrate on artistic endeavors.  The spring birds are starting to show up...spring is right around the corner!